








貼上來分享的曲目是我最愛的三首(除了Against the Odds外,我喜歡的剛好都跟網評不一樣)。希望讓更多人聽到法迪先生的好聲音!

Against the Odds

We started innocent
The pleasure of our sense
Oh memories
I hold it in my hand
We were singing at the strand
Alone again
In my memories
Against the odds
You can be a hero
You put your fears aside now
You reach up to the sky now
Against the odds
It is now or never
A hero lives forever
And you will see the truth
Oh, I swear to you
A hero lies in you

Opening Night

With a smile that sparkles like a diamond ring
When you’re swaying to the rhythm on the floor
I could watch you for hours doing your Hepburn thing
Girl you always keep me coming back for more
We’ll be dancing to the band as they’re playing our song
Like we’re the only ones in the room
Up on the rooftops I’ll be holding you tight
Under the spell of the moon
Let me take you to the movies
We can make a classic
Write the story of our lives
Keep the camera’s rolling, we don’t need no ending
Cos we’ll never run out of lines
So baby put your best dress on
It’s our opening night

This Anchor Holds

Life can be dark and cold
Just like the bottom of the ocean floor
Push and pull
Give and take
There’s so much tension in the crashing waves
But every time they come around
When they try to knock us down let me remind you
We’re a ship never going under
Never worry
Never wonder
Through the lighting storm and thunder
Through it all
When all we see is heavy waters
I’ll never leave you
Never falter
You’ll never face it alone
Cause this anchor holds>

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