劈老師說我和Se的文法及發音已經很不錯,所以目前先著重修正某些平時不太注重的連音,部份詞意或用法容易搞混的詞語及單字。說真格的,很多字其實平時都是呼嚕嚕就帶過,平平是台灣同胞的學習者,自己人一定聽得懂;而老外朋友也因為知道英文非我們的母語,所以發音有80%到位他們也懂。誰曉得一個SKIN DEEP就會搞到舌頭打結,對英文失去學習動力(沒那麼誇張啦~)。
                                                My attitude towards money.
Part I
Money isn’t everything, but without it, there isn’t much we can do. A few years ago, my father was laid off because his company had financial problems. Before he got his next job, my family had a hard time making ends meet. Since then, I’ve made it a rule to economize on my daily expenses.
I stopped spending money on materialistic items such as expensive food or clothes. I used to buy whatever I liked or desired, but it usually turned out to be a waste of money. For example, fine clothes may look great one season, but old-fashioned the next. On the other hand, eating is nothing more than a way of satisfying our hunger. Therefore, I avoid going to costly restaurants for luxurious meals. To sum up, in order to save for a rainy day, I only buy things that I need, not what I want.

1. 原形lay off。
2. making ends meets=收支平衡。
3. economize(v.)=理財。
4. 無聲子音/p/,所以字尾ed發/t/。
5. materialistic(adj.)。倒數第二個 i 是短母音,t發/d/。
6. turn out=演變成...;ed的/d/跟後頭的ou/au/連音。
7. costly(adj.),o 發/a/=expensive。
8. luxurious,這音也太繞舌了吧!
9. To sum up=In summary/Finally
10. save for a rainy day=未雨綢繆
Part II
It is said that life ought to be spent on beautiful things. I consider money a medium that can bring pleasure to my life.
Most of the time, people are occupied with their jobs. As long as it’s in moderation, spending money can be a way to reward themselves for their hard work. It is true that money can’t buy love or happiness, but no one can deny that shopping can sometimes make us feel happy. Either a high-class brand name bag or a day at the spa could do the trick to relive us of the stress in our daily lives. Money comes and goes, but the pleasure for the moment is priceless. Just keep in mind that we should enjoy life only to the point that we can afford it. Otherwise, money will never bring us pleasure but endless credit card bills.

1. ought to=should
2. Most的t發/d/,與後頭的o連音。(此o的發音音標為:把小寫e上小顛倒再左右相反即是。)
3. deny(v.),denial(n.)
4. do the trick=達到...效果。
5. 補充4.:Trick or Treat. trick的i是短母音(大寫I),treat的ea是長母音/i/。(分開唸很簡單,合一起就跟SKIN DEEP一樣煩人)
6. to the point=到...程度

                                                 On plastic surgery
Part I
In spite of the old saying, “Beauty is only skin deep,” many people still go to great lengths to make themselves look better. I personally wouldn’t blame anyone for turning to plastic surgery to make themselves look more attractive.
I believe that it’s an individual’s right to change the parts of their bodies they don’t like. If one has thought it through and decided to do it, we should respect their choice. Moreover, plastic surgery is not necessarily just for sweeping someone off his or her feet. It can help those who were born disfigured or burnt in a fire have more confidence. If a few nips and tucks here and there can make someone feel better about themselves, no one has the right to stop them.

1. in spite of=僅管
2. skin的i是短母音,k發/g/;deep的ee發長音的/i/。唸到很想揍人!
3. go to great lengths=do smt. harder。通常th結尾的字若有加s(可數名詞複數或第三人稱單數代名詞的動詞),則th不發音,直接跳過發s的/s/即可。(難怪我老覺得cloths到底要怎麼唸才對!)
4. turning to=undergoing to=going to 
5. thought is through(think it through)=深思熟慮
6. necessarily(adv.),音很長耶,煩。
7. sweeping someone off his or her feet=令人神魂顛倒。(腳被掃到當然會跌倒,至少也會絆一下囉!)
8. nip(n.)=切除,tuck(v.)=塞進去(一個令人不穌湖的字)。
9. 補充8.:Tuck you shirt.把衣服(襬)塞進去(褲/裙子)。

Part II
While Korean soap stars and pop singers are becoming more and more popular, the Korean love for plastic surgery is intruding into our culture, too. Women, in particular, have become overwhelmed by this trend and have jumped on the bandwagon. In my opinion, it’s ridiculous to spend a fortune on changing how one looks. Everyone is unique. We don’t need to look like a star to make our lives better. Furthermore, these pursuers of beauty are also hurting the bodies their parents gave them. How sad their parents must be when they discover that their children are not satisfied with the looks they were born with.
What truly matters in life is our personality and character rather than our outward appearance. In the end, what really makes a difference is one’s inner beauty, I disapprove of anyone undergoing plastic surgery. After all, beauty is only skin deep.

1. singer的n和g各出一點力,但以n為主。(你說有沒有很煩!!!!)
2. intruding into=入侵。intruder(n.)入侵者。
3. bandwagon=潮流,趨勢。
4. 因為以前的國台辦張名清(大悶鍋版本那個),所以很愛這個rediculous=可笑,很扯不可思議。
5. gave them. 只要前面字尾是子音,them的th可以整個拿掉,子音連音只連em即可。th的音(把"日"搓成長條楕圓狀就是了)一整個消失不見就對了(整碗被端走了啦!)。
6. 知道discover,也很容易懂,但如果自己寫,永遠只想得到find out,怎麼也不會去想到要用這個漂亮的字。嗟~~~
7. character,重音在第一個音節(我怎麼樣就是會忘記!!!How come??)
8. (重頭戲)短短2個簡單到破表的單字,就是有辦法唸到覺得自己好像有條殘缺的舌頭(舌頭的單位用"條",對嗎?)。唉~~


1. give someone a hard time 咄咄逼人
2. recite 背誦("背"課文的背)
3. tell on  告狀
4. tell of  講述;tell off 分派出...
5. kick someone's ass 要(某人)好看,打敗(某人)
    e.g.:You kick my ass. 你贏了
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